Tucson, Sarizona

I am so great! I am so great! Everybody loves me! I am so great!

18 August 2006


I don't have high speed internet!!! I cannot post with dial-up! Stop bothering me, EVERYONE. I realize that I'm probably the coolest person you've all ever encountered, but just chill. If you want to send me money to facilitate the high speed internet acquiring, feel free. I don't want to hear any suggestions such as "Just write stuff in word and copy and paste into your blog! It's soooo easy!!!" That's not how I roll...I think WE ALL KNOW how I roll: Thigh high and bottomless...that's right...

Work is good. Life is good. New apt. this weekend. Also Snakes+Plane, to my dismay...audible sigh. Have to go; I'm at work.