27 January 2007
21 January 2007
Music of Today...
Ok, you've won me over. I just have to say...I LOVE this whole updated '80's sound. Of course. I love the whole original '80's sound, so... Anyways when I'm listening to it, it makes me feel like I'm in a movie and this is the sound track to whatever I'm doing at the moment. Yes, every song in the genre.
SNL has done it again...surprising me with music. Like I've said in the past, I do not watch SNL for the music. However, the Killers blew me away that time. (Not only is their music good, but that frontman sure has charisma.) So last night AFI was on, and I was like, "Yeah, whatever, let's mute it and watch 'Laser Cats 2' on youtube." And Emily was like, "No, it might be good." Me: "HA!" Her: "It might be good!" Me: scowl. And I have to admit, it wasn't 1/2 bad. BUT since it was live, it was WAY suckier than the album version, which ROCKS LIKE PHYSICS! I've downloaded it, and I will be listening to it on Mapples for my entire 1/2 hour drive. Repeat, Baby. Oh, by the way, the song's called "Love Like Winter."