Tucson, Sarizona

I am so great! I am so great! Everybody loves me! I am so great!

08 June 2007

The Elusive Currant...

God does not want me to have currants. That is what I must deduce from the way my life is going, currant-wise. My first introduction to the currant was informal. I enjoyed it so much, yet I was unaware of the fruit's identity. I was in a foreign country, and, although my companions were excellent English speakers, no one could remember the English name of the berry. (Me: "Bing cherries?? Are you sure it's not bing cherries? I've never had those, but this seems like what it would taste like. I'm just gonna call them bing cherries...") It took about a year to track down its information. Then, once I knew its name, I was certain I'd be able to easily track down such a succulent and wonderfully tart berry. Well, I should have taken a hint from the fact that I had never before had one in my 19 years on this planet. Finally, I decided (some years later...bringing us to the present) to purchase a currant bush of my very own and raise it to adulthood at my parents' house. What a plan! I quickly ordered the coveted plant, and the waiting began. And the waiting continued. And many of the other plants I ordered arrived. So I called the vendor. Well, they were sorry that they hadn't sent out my plants, but they would get the grapes in the mail a.s.a.p. Unfortunately, the currants were out of stock. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!11!1 Curses! Now I am back to square one. Dear God, please allow me to have currants...


At 3:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I check every time I go to St & Sh. I do see them every so often, and when I do I will get you some. I don't think it's time yet. I think it's something I see on the sick ass hot days of July and August.
When I see them I'll call you and we can discuss how many you need me to pick up, then maybe save some seeds and see if they are fertile.

At 4:29 PM, Blogger JRRyan said...

Aren't those berries pictured like wild sh*t that grows in the woods? Just eat those. The birds do and I always want to too!


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