Peach Fest or Bust...
Oh, what's that? Bust? Oh, ok.
The Peach Festival sucked. The whole <5 min we were there were awkward and foodless. I vaguely remember every year about this time, J. Ray is like "Blah blah blah Peach Festival blah..." And I'm like, "Hm." But this year she had just gotten back from Alaska and I hadn't seen/talked to her in like 10 days or so, and she was like, "Blah blah Peach Festival...want to go?" And I was like, "Hell yeah! I love that idea!!" So we parked in the shadiest part of a moderately scary parking lot and trekked our way up to the fire station. The chick from the news was invited to announce the raffle winners, and we spotted people with bowls of food. Then we made a bee-line to the place where the food was obviously coming from (the fire house itself), only to be callously ignored, except by that one lady who said "Mumble mumble that young girl over there..." So I searched the area for ANYONE young, and when we found her, she was, of course, of no help. We then learned (somehow, because no one directly talked to us really) that they were no longer selling whatever it was that looked like peach shortcake, but we could buy peaches in containers. Whatever. We didn't even know if we liked it. We weren't going to buy a whole buttload of it, even if we had all the $3 bills in the world. Plus, J. Ray had heard from VARIOUS sources that it was NAST. It was kind of maddening because it would have been so easy for them to just sell us a bowl of their peach crap as they were cleaning up. Clearly, we were not going to start a whole frenzy, as no one was there anymore...and no one was coming there anymore. I'm currently working under the theories that either a) the old ladies were jealous of our supreme hotness or b) all their old lady friends/family had already been there so they had no one else they cared to impress with their peachy (potential) grossness.
We went to Shady Glen. Take that, Peach B-words.