Tucson, Sarizona

I am so great! I am so great! Everybody loves me! I am so great!

12 June 2007

That Little Brat...

Lupe scared the H out of me to other night. It was Sunday, her feeding time, and I unthawed (ha) her mouse. I was super tired, and I actually forgot about it. I went to go to bed, and I was like, "Oh crumbs, the snakey-girl must eat." So I got everything in the shoe box ready and put her in it. She did her usual, nosing her mouse until she decided to start eating. I checked on her, and she had the head in her mouth and was doing fine as usual. So I started getting ready for bed. I looked over a couple times, and she seemed to be going really slow. Then the last time I looked over, she was crawling out of the shoe box. I thought she was finally done, but then I went over and the whole freakin' mouse is still in the box. I was like, "Excuse me, Miss! Where are you going??" She was NO LONGER INTERESTED in her food. What??!?!?! I started getting panicky but calmed myself down. She is going to shed soon, after all (not that that's ever mattered before). So I picked up the mouse with tweezers and wiggled it around. SHE DID NOT CARE! Then she started getting afraid of the mouse. She was even sneezing/hissing? at it. I was getting really worried. I thought, should I lock her in the shoe box with the mouse overnight? I decided it wasn't a dire emergency, and she could actually go much longer without eating. BUT I really wanted her to eat. The mouse seemed ok...same as all the others...not rancid or anything. I decided to put the shoe box in her home overnight. I went to bed, worried about her, but when I woke up the next morning, the mouse was gone. So she's not sick or anything, just being a little B-word.


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