Jay McCarroll Continued...
I finished watching Project Jay last night, and you will NOT believe this. So Heidi Klum wanted him to do her dress for the Emmys. He wasn't really too happy about it, but he knew all the reasons why he had to do it. But he's not really a dress designer, so he was having a really hard time. Also, she really wanted bright red, and he was like, "on the red carpet??" But that's what she wanted, so...So he really struggled the whole time with the dress. It was looking ok when he brought it to her, but it didn't fit right, and she wanted it to look more expensive. She had all her family and people look at it too. Then, with less than 2 days left to the Emmys, he worked his arse off to finish the dress, with the help of some guy who's friends w/ Kara Saun. They finished the dress just in time, and it looked AWESOME! It was soooo beautiful. As they were finishing it up, Heidi's people called and said she would not be using the dress. They had all decided that she really needed to look more Earth-mothery, whatever that means. Jay was so crushed and exhausted. I was pissed. No one would ever get to see the gorgeous dress!! I can't even find a picture of it online! Ahhhh! Anyways, she looked real crappy in the dress she did wear (as crappy as Heidi Klum could look). I mean, look at this shapeless, wallpapery piece of crap:
Anyways...probably when she tried the dress on the first time and it wasn't exactly right, she panicked, but she should have just tried on the finished product and had a backup plan just in case. I guess she had just had a baby, but still. It was mean. I still love her though because she's pretty. I felt really bad for Jay though. Especially since he didn't even want to do it in the first place. I can't even talk about this anymore. Except to say that Jay says the funniest things ever.
In other news, I just ordered new checks. Here's what they look like:
Argh...I can never get the page to set up right. Whatever. I have work to do. Cute checks though, huh?
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