Tucson, Sarizona

I am so great! I am so great! Everybody loves me! I am so great!

18 September 2005

Slothy Sarah's Lazy Day(s)...

I guess you could say I accomplished a lot this weekend...if you think about all the phone talking, online game playing, and t.v. watching I did. Oh, and eating. However if, to you, accomplishment need to include leaving the apt., then I guess I haven't really accomplished much. Or anything. Also, I feel like Emily in that I have these checks to put into my bank account, and they're...somewhere...? I don't know what's my deal. BUT tomorrow is New Leaf Day. Starting with tonight when I go to bed early enough to accomplish tasks tomorrow. As we all know, Mondays are my long day. So are Tuesdays. Soon it shall be Hump Day though! Hump hump hump...

I talked to Jason last night, and here are some pictures he sent me. Here is a picture of Jason and his dog:

Here is a picture of Jason's girlfriend, who's way cuter than some other people's girlfriends who shall remain nameless:

I'm going to go find and deposit my checks now. Any buy a milkshake before New Leaf Day...


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