Tucson, Sarizona

I am so great! I am so great! Everybody loves me! I am so great!

15 January 2006

I need a new computer...

My computer is so ill that it won't even load certain webpages, namely Emily's B-Log. I know I have to get a new computer, but the stupid scholarship people haven't given me my damn money yet, dammit. So I have been researching what kind of computer to get, when I came across this interesting website. It gave certain coupon codes for certain companies...kind of like game cheats, only this is real life and important...and it seems less than legal. Whatever. I wasn't going to use the coupon codes because it's actually really complicated in that you have to get the computer price to equal an exact amount before they will work. BUT the website did provide some useful information regarding HP and student discounts. FYI: HP gives student discounts, BITCHES!!! You just have to put in your school and student ID# and you're good to go. So I think I'm going to get an HP because the discount is pretty significant. The only problem I'm running into now is that it doesn't seem like getting the computer with Microsoft Office is even an option, like, even if you pay more. It just doesn't even seem like something you can add. I think I'm going to call HP and inquire about that. I wonder if they're open on Sundays...? I've kind of been holding back since I don't actually have the money in my hot little hands (or bank account, whatever same thing) yet. It's been hard though. I really, really want to make this big (for me) purchase. Something about spending a big chunk of money that's both good and bad.

Speaking of big chunks of money...I have to do a major grocery shop today. I know Fry's and Walmart are both cheaper, but they're sooooo far...so, Safeway, you win this round. What? I didn't say "Albertson's," which is apparently the only supermarket my friend, Gene, shops at. I guess he's literally made of money or something. I'm not. I'm made of cells.


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