Tucson, Sarizona

I am so great! I am so great! Everybody loves me! I am so great!

19 January 2006

Movies about penguins...

I am just going to STOP trying to watch movies about penguins. It is just not worth it...all the anguish I feel over seeing their horrible lives and, more importantly, deaths. I got this movie from netflix, Cry of the Penguins. It's not a documentary. It's got a story line, so I figured it'd be ok. It was not. It was an old movie, guest starring Hayley Mills. This biologist, like, sees Hayley Mills and falls in love with her, but the biologist is un mujeriego, so she doesn't want to have anything to do with him. To impress her, because she's a biology student, he goes to Antarctica to study Adelie penguins. When he first gets to the barren, FREEZING wasteland, he's all pissed because he doesn't want to be there, AND there's not a penguin to be seen...yet. Finally when all the penguins come, he starts to love them, and he's really getting into the work and what not. (He does KILL one of them to do an autopsy, and that's pretty unforgivable, but moving on...) At one point, this helicopter comes to give him mail, and it scares the bejesus out of all the little penguins sooooo much that they all run to the water and leave. Then the biologist bitches the helicopter guys out hardcore, and they think he's a nutcase. But the penguins do come back. Well, you can guess what happens for the rest of the movie. No? You can't? Oh, well let me tell you: horrific penguin death all over the place. Yeah. It's actually part of the story line. It is a little different than a documentary in that the main character is feeling the same things you are, so it's not so sterile. At one point he even starts screaming at the predator birds ("I hate you! DIE DIE DIE!!!! and so on). Then he fashions a makeshift rock-slinging device and goes to the headquarters of the predator birds to try to kill them all. Of course it doesn't work because a)he's out of his damn mind, and b)these birds, unlike defenseless penguins, can fly. The one good thing I can say about the ending is that when he got back from Antarctica, the movie was over. Literally. Credits and all. Woo hooo!! No more awkward loveyness between him and Hayley Mills, who's now fallen for him because of the whole penguin trek. I am done with penguin movies, unless the movie is entitled Happy Penguin Does Happy Things All Day Long With No Death Ever (i.e. Meet Pingu).

I then watched Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous to cheer me up. It did not work. While I did watch the whole thing (I slept/fast forwarded through much of the penguin movie that did not contain actual penguins), it was predictably not as good as the original. Whatever, at least I saw it...I guess. I like that girl who plays Miss United States, though. She's cute. Sandra Bullock, predictably, is not.

I ordered my new computer yesterday. It won't be built until Jan 27th. Booooo....


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