Mixed Review...
I watched In Her Shoes yesterday, and it was pretty good. The story is pretty straight forward. Two very different sisters realize how much they love eachother. One is a crazy, hot party girl and the other is the boring, fat, head-on-her-shoulders sister. Here's a picture of them, and I think you'll be able to pick out the fat one pretty easily:
No? You can't tell? Hm...why not? Oh, cause they're both super skinny. Yeah. That was my only beef with this movie. I'm sure it was a huge part of the book, her being fat, but the movie would have worked without that issue. Or if they wanted to keep it, they should have just cast an actual fat person.
I visited my aunt when she was in Phoenix the other day, and it was super fun. She ate a bug though, we think. Apparently, it burned the hell out of her mouth, so I tried to look online for bugs that would do that, but couldn't find any. I tried to convince her that it couldn't have been a bug, even though I'm totally sure it was a bug. We also rapped about how anal sex is gross and what the phrase "tossing salad" meant. I did not know.
the movie poster has French words on it. yet more proof of how much you heart France.
Hey, I did't know that was French...but YOU did...hm.
Toni Collette is WAY fat in that pic. She must be like a whopping 130lbs there. I see her and I barf in my mouth a little, because I don't want to be as morbidly obese as she is. She should go on a GD diet and stop being such a slovenly pig.
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