Tucson, Sarizona

I am so great! I am so great! Everybody loves me! I am so great!

10 February 2006

Parade of Countries

HAHAHAHA...I was watching the opening ceremonies at the winter games just now, and it's soooo funny. First of all, the music that they're all walking in to is, like, this crazy mix of 70-80's pop/disco pop music. Even the commentators on t.v. were like, "Oooo...I hope I hear "Betty Davis Eyes!!" HAHAHA...I heard "Video Killed the Radio Star," so I'm happy enough. The other funny thing is that, while each country walked in with a certain quiet dignity, the USA fell somewhat short of that sentiment. Every time the camera caught the eye of an athlete (no doubt, all snowboarders), they'd be like, "YEAH!! PLAYA WHAT!!!" It was ridonkulous. One of the girls on the team was even talking on her cell phone through the entire march. Oh US, you sleigh me...HAHAHA...


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