Tucson, Sarizona

I am so great! I am so great! Everybody loves me! I am so great!

28 May 2006

Dolphin's Cry...Because You're Having Sex and They're Not...

That's my speculation anyways. The point of this post is my re-found obsession with "Dolphin's Cry" by Live. It's such an awesome song, and, like Emily, I don't even care if it is all about sex, which it totally is. Side note: I h8 dolphins...HAHAHA...stupid dolphins.

On a different subject, I've totally found the new way I am going to lose weight (besides exercising, which I swear I'm going to start doing tomorrow). This is more in the way of curbing my ridiculous eating. And I found it totally by accident, too. I ran out of water in my apartment(you know, besides gross Tucson tap water), and I was too lazy to go to the store for more. I was REALLY thirsty though, which is very uncharacteristic of me. I did have almost a full bag of store-bought ice in the freezer though. So I started eating it for water, and I found that while it quenches thirst, it also satisfies my need to constantly be eating. This has been working for two days now. Yeah, I know it seems totally obvious, but shut up. I'm happy about it. I really couldn't have predicted that it would have worked so well with me. I can even stand hunger pains as long as I can fool my mouth into thinking it's eating something real.

Los Simpsons wasn't on tonight because Fox really needed to show that ratings grabber, Fifteen and Pregnant. What??? That's like a Lifetime movie from back in the day. I mean, it's a good movie and stars Kirsten Dunst, but still. I can still turn on Lifetime and catch it, like, once a week. Lame. So I watched Gangs of New York on dvd, and I liked it actually. It was pretty violent, though. Never underestimate the gruesomeness of hand-to-axe combat. Then I watched the Discovery Channel presentation of the real gangs of New York that was included on the dvd. It was pretty rockin' as well.

I have a whole list of things to do tomorrow. I wrote them down, so that I would be encouraged to get off my lazy arse and actually do them. The list consists of buying a new battery for my camera, inquiring about a better way to hook up my ipod to my car radio, getting free underwear from VS (they are always sending me awesome coupons!), buying water AND more ice, exercising, sunning, attempting to get pictures from Anthony, and consolidating research data. I know, pretty full day, huh?


At 12:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No.. I think the dolphins are actually crying because they saw you having sex.

At 1:24 AM, Blogger Sarizona said...


At 8:11 PM, Blogger JRRyan said...

My brother loves that song too. and asked permission to bang you. conincidence? probably.


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