Tucson, Sarizona

I am so great! I am so great! Everybody loves me! I am so great!

23 September 2005

I do not get to buy cookies EVER...

I am banning myself from the purchase of cookies. Clearly, I cannot eat them in moderation, as I always plan to. It just never works. I even dropped one into a significant amount of water (i.e. submerged 1/2 of it), and I STILL ate it. What? It's just water...In my defense, they were mint Milanos. Anyways...So, unless someone else has them at their house, I will not be eating purchased cookies. I can still make cookies though because I can always send them to others. And I usually do that. But who sends people boughten cookies? HAHAHA...boughten...

I keep forgetting about this, but something made me remember today (I don't know what): A few weeks ago, I saw on t.v. that they were giving away free Sidewinders Russian Nesting Dolls at baseball games. Because what goes better with America's favourite pasttime than Russian tradition? If this isn't evidence of the One World Order in which we currently find ourselves, then I don't know what is....HAHAHA...no, I just thought it was weird.

This weekend there's a reptile show I want to go to. It's like a gun show, but with reptiles. I am soooo excited to see all the cute little snakies! Also, I saw 2 ads (1 print, 1 non) for Pride and Prejudice, which is at the Arizona Theatre Company. I hope I can find someone who will go see it with me, now that Emily has abondoned me, both physically and in spirit.


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