Tucson, Sarizona

I am so great! I am so great! Everybody loves me! I am so great!

05 October 2005

Things I forgot yesterday...

So there's a couple of things that I meant to post about yesterday, but I forgot. First of all, I received Fever Pitch from Netflix, and although I do not have high hopes for this movie, I still wanted to see it. So did Erin. So I put it in and we sat down to watch it. First this preview came on for some British movie...ok...weird, but whatever....THEN we realized that it wasn't a preview at all. It was the movie! It wasn't the Fever Pitch we were expecting at all! It was the 1997 British version about soccer. Ahhhhhhhh! Why would they name them the exact same thing? I guess I didn't pay really close attention to the DVD jacket. Hahahaha....we decided not to watch it.

This next part is just for the ladies:

Two questions:

Why in the world would they even make maxi pads without wings? So people can buy a pack of 40 of them and not realize it until they open it and it's too late and now they're all pissed off and screwed? There is no reason to not have wings.

Also, who would buy scented tampons on purpose? That's just wrong. I think you could definitely increase your risk of TSS with scented tampons. Ewwww....


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