Tucson, Sarizona

I am so great! I am so great! Everybody loves me! I am so great!

30 March 2006

Public Apology

I apologize to Preston's fiance for previous posts I had written containing catty remarks about her. Nothing I wrote was driven by anything she said or did and had everything to do with him being a crappy boyfriend to me most of the time I was with him. Also, the period of time in which it was written was very emotionally stressful for me for a number of reasons. That being said, I feel in this instance that I am totally in the wrong, and I vow to strive to be a non-catty, reasonable person from this point forward. However in my humble defense, originally this B-Log was written with the idea that only one person in particular would actually read it besides myself. Now I realize that the general public may also be interested in reading the random rantings of strangers (as Emily does with others' blogs). That is why I feel that I must apologize, not because I am afraid of being sued for libel, as the chance of such a suit being successfully carried out is nearly impossible. In conclusion, I realize that I am deserving of any contempt Preston's girlfriend now feels for me. I only hope that knowing how sorry I feel for hurting her feelings provides some comfort.

27 March 2006

MySpace Profiles

Why do I want to hear your damn music? If I can't figure out how to disable that function, I'm just going to stop going to myspace. I hate it!!!! AHHHHH

22 March 2006

If you don't like baby ducks, YOU SUCK!

Seriously. A very exciting part of my recent trip was the purchase of a duckling and a chick. I had to leave them in Nebraska, of course, but still. I got to hang with them for a couple days, and they really loved me. I was a tool and didn't take my camera, but I got a disposable camera, and as soon as I have Brice finish up the film, develop the pictures, mail them to me, and I scan them, then I can put them up on the B-Log. So sometime within the next year, I'd say. My point is that I told Emily as soon as I got them, and she reacted how I'd expect people to react. All excited and aware of how cute baby ducks and chicks are. How many other reactions like that did I get? Zero. Losers. Maybe I was just spoiled by the initial reaction I got, and I expected everyone else to be cool, too. But you're not cool, Everyone Else. You, in fact, suck. Here's a link to someones website with pictures of baby ducks to remind you of how cute they actually are, in case you've forgotten (or never really knew). I really miss my chick and duck.

12 March 2006

Mixed Review...

I watched In Her Shoes yesterday, and it was pretty good. The story is pretty straight forward. Two very different sisters realize how much they love eachother. One is a crazy, hot party girl and the other is the boring, fat, head-on-her-shoulders sister. Here's a picture of them, and I think you'll be able to pick out the fat one pretty easily:

No? You can't tell? Hm...why not? Oh, cause they're both super skinny. Yeah. That was my only beef with this movie. I'm sure it was a huge part of the book, her being fat, but the movie would have worked without that issue. Or if they wanted to keep it, they should have just cast an actual fat person.

I visited my aunt when she was in Phoenix the other day, and it was super fun. She ate a bug though, we think. Apparently, it burned the hell out of her mouth, so I tried to look online for bugs that would do that, but couldn't find any. I tried to convince her that it couldn't have been a bug, even though I'm totally sure it was a bug. We also rapped about how anal sex is gross and what the phrase "tossing salad" meant. I did not know.

08 March 2006

Sorry about the format of the pages...

Every time I publish crap, it gets F-ed. Sorry.

Project Runway results (aka I am pissed)...

I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS CRAP. You shouldn't read this post unless you want me to ruin the ending for you. I'm going to show my most and least favourites from each designer.

Daniel's Collection: It was aight. Very neutral in a blah way. His main dress was too long, and the model tripped over it. HAHAHA...awesome. Some of his pieces were pretty ok, and some were horrible. He said the theme was Japanese Sleekness Mixed with Military. I think the theme was Obviously Braless.

WORST! If you know me, you know that I tend to hate clothes that look like wallpaper. The skirt is ok, but it has its problems, too. Starting with the fact that this super skinny model seems to have the same stomach that I do in this outfit.

BEST: I really like
the contrasting

Chloe's Collection: Mostly, I thought her collection was just awful. Horribly ugly in a bad-80's way. There was really only one dress I liked. The only good thing about Chloe in this episode is her sister's awesome platinum hair. Who would've thought that hair colour would look so good on an Asian? It does, believe me.

WORST! This is not only the worst garment, but it's characteristic of the whole collection. See what I mean about 80's? Even the colour is something my Jem doll wore. It looked good on Jem though.

Best: I like the
fabric, but how
many dresses like
this are there out
there? A million?
It's cute, but I can't
wear it cause of the

Santino's Collection: He did just what I thought he was going to do. Came out with a beautiful collection. I really loved it. It's going to be hard to pick a favourite piece, but I'm going to adhere to that rule. I'll put the link at the end though. Even though there were a lot of neutral colours, they were blended with non-neutrals in a cool way. Almost everything was beautiful to me.

WORST! I don't think I even have to explain why I hate this if you know anything about me. It didn't look like anything else in the collection though. Bonus with this picture: you can see my pick for favourite in the background. Yessss!

BEST: I love it. I
don't even care. The
bottom is pretty,
and you can see it a
little in the other pic.
I like the contrasting
textures. I like the

Bottom line: I was really rooting for Santino on this one. There were some problems, but mostly they were really pretty clothes. Also, I could see people wearing these clothes in real life for the most part. Maybe with some adjustments, but compared to the other designers?? Argh. The judges, though, totally player hated big time. A-holes. Debra Messing was the suckiest guest judge of all time, by the way. Anyways, the judges decided that they couldn't understand why Santino was so muted compared to how he was on the show. Um, how about cause you bitched at him non-stop on the show? Whatever. Also, they said that the boobs were never where they were supposed to be in the outfits. Um, did you SEE Daniel's pieces?? So Santino was eliminated right off the bat. Then it was down to Chloe and Daniel, and I didn't care who won. I thought. Until Chloe won, and I was PISSED OFF! Holy crap! Did you see that ridiculous POS up there?!?! F! Whatever...go to the Project Runway page to view it all. I was so mad at the judges. Another punch in the stomach for me...Chloe's model won because she won! That girl is the ugliest thing I have ever seen. And I'm including monkeys. She's uglier than monkeys. Just look at that nose! AHHHH! That's not all. Her whole face is just bad and bad.

Fuel, I miss thee...

I totally miss my favourite band, Fuel, living out here in the Land of No Concerts. I guess Brett is gone now too though. Oh well. Not as sad as I was when Kevin left, but still. Brett's the voice. I got a mass email from Fuel about the situation, and Carl had mentioned how one of the American Idol contestants had done "Hemorrhage" on the show. How did I miss that? I mean, other than by watching American Idol only sporadically. I've spent the past hour searching la red for a clip of it, and all I could find were people's comments about how awesome it was. Dammit!! That just made me search harder. I found it on someone else's B-Log. Here's where it's at, y'all:

Chris Daughtry Does Fuel...You Be the Judge (cause if I'm the judge, I give it a 5 out of 10)

Yeah, it was disappointing considering all the hype, even from Carl and Jeff.

Comments, or lack thereof...

You know, this lack of comments is not really inspiring me to post any more crap.

07 March 2006

Jay McCarroll Continued...

I finished watching Project Jay last night, and you will NOT believe this. So Heidi Klum wanted him to do her dress for the Emmys. He wasn't really too happy about it, but he knew all the reasons why he had to do it. But he's not really a dress designer, so he was having a really hard time. Also, she really wanted bright red, and he was like, "on the red carpet??" But that's what she wanted, so...So he really struggled the whole time with the dress. It was looking ok when he brought it to her, but it didn't fit right, and she wanted it to look more expensive. She had all her family and people look at it too. Then, with less than 2 days left to the Emmys, he worked his arse off to finish the dress, with the help of some guy who's friends w/ Kara Saun. They finished the dress just in time, and it looked AWESOME! It was soooo beautiful. As they were finishing it up, Heidi's people called and said she would not be using the dress. They had all decided that she really needed to look more Earth-mothery, whatever that means. Jay was so crushed and exhausted. I was pissed. No one would ever get to see the gorgeous dress!! I can't even find a picture of it online! Ahhhh! Anyways, she looked real crappy in the dress she did wear (as crappy as Heidi Klum could look). I mean, look at this shapeless, wallpapery piece of crap:

Anyways...probably when she tried the dress on the first time and it wasn't exactly right, she panicked, but she should have just tried on the finished product and had a backup plan just in case. I guess she had just had a baby, but still. It was mean. I still love her though because she's pretty. I felt really bad for Jay though. Especially since he didn't even want to do it in the first place. I can't even talk about this anymore. Except to say that Jay says the funniest things ever.

In other news, I just ordered new checks. Here's what they look like:

Argh...I can never get the page to set up right. Whatever. I have work to do. Cute checks though, huh?

Jay McCarroll

I'm watching Project Jay on Bravo, and it's 2 am...anyways, he's like moving to NYC, and he doesn't want to because it's scary. And he's like, "I just hope I have money to live there. I don't care if I have to sell my sperm...or hook." Hahahahahahaha...hook...hahahaha....and he's worried that other people don't find him as funny as he does in his own head. Oh, Jay. I think you're great. Say "hook" in that context some more. (I'm going to try to bring it back). Hahaha...he just said he was going to become a cutter.

06 March 2006

Air Travel is the Bane of My Existence

Argh! I don't even want to get into all of it, but air travel has once again attempted to *bleep* me in the *bleep*. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I had to buy multiple ridiculously-priced plane tickets in order to try to get the job I want. But I am going to just think about it as two separate trips. So there. That's not so bad. Thanks, Emily, for the suggestion. But still, I feel broker than ever. It's just that this is all so pointless. I don't even know why I'm going on the first trip to begin with. I just don't like to change plans. Once plans are set, plans are set. Ya know? Hope this ranting makes sense. Bottom lines: I am broke. Airlines suck. I don't like changing plans.

P.S. Once you get on the airplane, you realize that you can't even believe you spent ANY amount of money on this day from hell. Nothing sucks worse than air travel as a whole. I wish there was more time to drive everywhere. Road trips rock. And by drive everywhere, I mean drive everywhere with your best friend and have her drive and you listen to books on cd and sleep. The end.

03 March 2006

Just woke up from a nap...watchin' Comedy Central

I was in the mood for stand-up comedy just now, so when Comedy Central announced that it was Friday night and they were doing stand-up comedy. OK! So I'm watching this comedian, Steve Byrne, and he's pretty funny (no Hot Pocket Jim Gaffigan, but whatever). First of all he's 1/2 Asian and 1/2 Irish, so he starts out by doing this thing about 1/2 Asian people and how no one ever knows what they are. He talks about how they ask where he's from...blah blah blah. We all know that this is true of 1/2 Asians. But the thing I noticed was that he was wearing a jean jacket with a patch of an American flag on one arm and a patch of a Korean flag and a patch of the Irish flag on the other arm. I though, what a good idea. I know quite a few people who are 1/2 Asian and have this same problem, but also they like jean jackets and patches, and I thought this might be an idea they would embrace. Just throwin' it out there...

Then he was talking about how his brother just got back from Iraq and how when people find out that fact, they always want to talk politics with him. Then he says he hates talking about politics because people get so passionate about it. So he offered some advice that I thought was funny which was this:

By doing the following 2 things, one can avoid the political conversation. First, say one sentence, which I will tell you in a second. And next, walk away. So if someone comes up and is like, "So are you for the war or against it??" You say, "Hey, last time I checked, this was America!" Then walk away. Hahahaha...I think that would work, really.

Anyways, he's still on t.v., so I'm going to go. I'll let you know if he says anything else really funny. FYI: He has a myspace profile. Neat.

02 March 2006

You can be my friend IF...

You can answer this 2 part question:

What is she doing? And why?

There. Hopefully the link will work now.

01 March 2006

My Life as a Movie

The Movie Of Your Life Is Film Noir
So what if you're a little nihilistic at times?Life with meaning is highly over-rated.
Your best movie matches: Sin City, L. A. Confidential, Blade Runner