Tucson, Sarizona

I am so great! I am so great! Everybody loves me! I am so great!

31 May 2006

New Phone

Well, there are some pros and cons to me breaking my phone. I got a new phone with bluetooth (yay) and a camera (meh). I had to pay a $50 deductible, but I would have been a lot more if I didn't have the insurance. Plus, it would have been the same price if they had just replaced my other non-bluetooth phone. The bad part, though, is that apparently they can't retrieve phone number from a phone that was broken into 4 pieces. SO...anyone who wants me to have their phone number, email me at sarizona111@yahoo.com. No, you can't have my phone number.

Chick and Duck Pictures...Finally...

Well, I finally got the pictures of the duck and the chick in the mail. A lot of them are blurry because it was a crappy disposable camera. Also, the duck is black and a lot of the background is black, so...but whatever. I'm not including any pictures with me in them as I look gross. Enjoy!

They were so cute. I miss them. I'm really sad about Erin leaving tomorrow, too. I'm going to miss her as well.

Oh, I broke my phone into 4 separate pieces just now by accident. Oops. Well, really the wall broke it. Guess I'm going to be incommunicado for tonight seeing as I just had my house phone disconnected a couple days ago. It gives me something to do tomorrow I guess...go to the Alltel store. I had some bitching to do to them anyways. Not to worry about the phone. I have the $5/mo. insurance on it. At least that'll pay off finally...

29 May 2006

Memorial Day...

Yeah, I kind of forgot yesterday when I made that list that today was Memorial Day. I didn't want to go out to stores that might be closed and risk getting shut down. So I did nothing of import...again. But I do plan to go to the grocer because I know they'll be open. I'm also going to try to motivate myself to get to school and compile some data. Boo. But I can't go there until I can be sure to not get a parking ticket. I still haven't paid that last one I got a month ago. Oops. I also plan to go to the gym. I haven't been for a while, and maybe they fixed the tvs. When Samantha was here visiting, she said she went to the gym. I asked her if the tvs were fixed, and she said she didn't notice. What? Yeah right. You didn't go to the gym at all, Liey Liarson. I'm also really excited to use Mapples at the gym because I never did that before. I'm sure it's better than using a cd player because that sucked big time. Maybe with the distractions of the tv and my ipod I can force myself to get some sort of workout. Ugh. I am 150% serious when I say I HATE to exercise. Everything about it. Before, during, and after. Maybe I'll get a job working for Dr. 90210 because all his employees get 1 free plastic surgery per year, I heard. I would get lipo EVERY YEAR. Then I would never have to exercise. That'd be awesome. Anyways, I can't go to the gym until I purchase agua. I can't go there with a cup of ice. I don't think that'll work too well. In other news, I'm jamming to "King of Wishful Thinking" by Go West. Yeah, that's right, I rule.

28 May 2006

Dolphin's Cry...Because You're Having Sex and They're Not...

That's my speculation anyways. The point of this post is my re-found obsession with "Dolphin's Cry" by Live. It's such an awesome song, and, like Emily, I don't even care if it is all about sex, which it totally is. Side note: I h8 dolphins...HAHAHA...stupid dolphins.

On a different subject, I've totally found the new way I am going to lose weight (besides exercising, which I swear I'm going to start doing tomorrow). This is more in the way of curbing my ridiculous eating. And I found it totally by accident, too. I ran out of water in my apartment(you know, besides gross Tucson tap water), and I was too lazy to go to the store for more. I was REALLY thirsty though, which is very uncharacteristic of me. I did have almost a full bag of store-bought ice in the freezer though. So I started eating it for water, and I found that while it quenches thirst, it also satisfies my need to constantly be eating. This has been working for two days now. Yeah, I know it seems totally obvious, but shut up. I'm happy about it. I really couldn't have predicted that it would have worked so well with me. I can even stand hunger pains as long as I can fool my mouth into thinking it's eating something real.

Los Simpsons wasn't on tonight because Fox really needed to show that ratings grabber, Fifteen and Pregnant. What??? That's like a Lifetime movie from back in the day. I mean, it's a good movie and stars Kirsten Dunst, but still. I can still turn on Lifetime and catch it, like, once a week. Lame. So I watched Gangs of New York on dvd, and I liked it actually. It was pretty violent, though. Never underestimate the gruesomeness of hand-to-axe combat. Then I watched the Discovery Channel presentation of the real gangs of New York that was included on the dvd. It was pretty rockin' as well.

I have a whole list of things to do tomorrow. I wrote them down, so that I would be encouraged to get off my lazy arse and actually do them. The list consists of buying a new battery for my camera, inquiring about a better way to hook up my ipod to my car radio, getting free underwear from VS (they are always sending me awesome coupons!), buying water AND more ice, exercising, sunning, attempting to get pictures from Anthony, and consolidating research data. I know, pretty full day, huh?

27 May 2006


Don't Be Offended; He Meant Colorforms

Thug #1: So they was like, "Yo, you fucked that bitch without a condom!" And I was like, "Naw." And they was like, "She pregnant, yo."
Thug #2: Aw, shit!
Thug #1: When I heard that, I was cryin'. Like, straight-up tears, I was cryin'.
Thug #2: Damn...
Thug #1: I can't even tell you what I did to get that bitch unpregnant. I'll say this much: it involved chloroform.
--6 train

21 May 2006

Hahaha...I'm Russia!

You're the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics!
You have nothing to lose but your chains, and since you had all these chains lying around when you lost them, you promptly put them on others. Nevertheless, you are very industrious, with a knack for coming through in the clutch when it looks like all is lost. Despite your hard work, many people think you no longer exist, or that you could break up at any moment. You're good in theory, but the practice needs work.
Take the Country Quizat the Blue Pyramid

The Zoo

I went to Reid Park Zoo today, and it was pretty neat. The coolest thing was that the peacocks were allowed to just roam all over the park for some reason. They would all hop up on the railings and then hop down onto the sidewalks and go where ever. Crazy birds.

I took minimal pictures because my camera battery is dead. It won't even charge anymore. Guess I'll have to go get a new one. Erin took more pictures, so maybe I'll get some of those to post.

I tried to feed the giraffes, but they were too dumb to come over to where I was.

I thought these birds were cool.

I got both Erin and Az in a picture!! Woo! They hate to have their pictures taken. Go me.

Hullo, Zeeba Neighba

20 May 2006

What I've Been Doing Since School Ended...

Warning: This post will ruin endings of crappy movies for you.

I've been totally F-ing up my sleep schedule, hardcore. Now I can't even fall asleep before, like, 5:30 am. It's totally lame. I should be on the way to getting it back on track, though, since I no longer have to beat THEME HOSPITAL. Why? Because I totally already did!!

Yessss!!! I am the best hospital administrator ever!!! So because I can't sleep at night, I watched two pretty crappy movies last night. One was a sequel of the other, so going into it I even knew it would be crappy.

Ok. These gigantic toolboxes meet on a train in Europe. She's French, returning to Paris after visiting her grandma, and he's American, returning to America after being dumped by his gf who's studying in Madrid. His flight out of Vienna is the next day, so after talking to this surprisingly hot girl on a train for a couple hours, he convinces her to delay her homecoming and get off the train with him in Vienna for the night. No, Losers, not to have sex (although they do), but to walk around Vienna for the night. Apparently he doesn't have enough money to get a hotel, so he just wants to explore the city all night. (Side note: he has enough money to buy beer and pay for palm readers and street poets, but whatever). Sounds like an ok premise though, right? Well, it is an OK premise. And ok dialog and ok scenery and ok events...whatever, it was just ok. I'm sorry but a movie has to be more than that to get more than 2 stars from me (unless there's dancing, cheerleading, or gymnastics involved). Anyways, they do all this stupid stuff in Vienna all night, and all I can think is how freakin' tired and pissed off I'd be not to sleep at all or shower. They decide that there's no way they could logically ever see eachother again, so there just going to have this one fabulous night together, no strings attached. Except, oops, they're eachother's soulmates. Bleh...So she tells him she doesn't want to sleep with him and be upset and wondering who he's with later when she's not around (understandable), but then she sleeps with him anyways (also understandable). At the end of the night, they decide that they do, in fact, want to see eachother again, but instead of exchanging contact info (AT ALL), they decide to meet back in Vienna in 6 months. Romantic, but impractical.

Here's why I mostly didn't like the movie. First of all, I'm very sensitive to colours in movies and how things are shot and stuff. Well, I guess the whole underlying concept of the direction in this movie was how the people just fade into the background. I didn't realize this at first, but then it as directly stated by the female lead when looking at a painting. Then I totally realized it because it was then totally obvious. It wasn't obvious at first to me because why? Because this is a pretty boring concept. Until the character pointed it out, I was like "what is wrong with this boring movie?" After she stated it, I was like "What? You just have to come out and say it like that? You suck at directing, Director!" The other thing that pissed me off was the ridiculous theme of spirituality. The characters talked about reincarnation then in a separate conversation talked about how she felt like an old woman and he felt like a 13-year old boy. Like we can't put those things together, Writer. Not-so-subtly trying to get your plug in for reincarnation, are you? Well, I'm not believing it, Lame-o. Anyways, there was a lot more than that too. All this talk about there being a God or not seemed like it was supposed to be profound, but it came off as two pseudo-intellectuals trying to be existentialists. And there's nothing more in life I hate than pseudo-intellectuals trying to be existentialists. And you know what? I don't think God likes it either. Maybe that was the point, but if so, that was a weak point. WEAK! Maybe if they had shown more (any) of the sex, the movie would have been better. I think that was done intentionally as well to make you wonder if they actually did it.

But the movie gets points for making me want to watch the sequel immediately to see if they do meet up in 6 months. (Side note: This may have been due to my inability to sleep at 3:30 am.)

So did they meet up again? Of course, there's a sequel, right? Did they meet up 6 months later? No, no they did not. Why? Inevitably because of a misunderstanding because they DID NOT EXCHANGE CONTACT INFO. Fags. Ok. Fast-forward to 9 years later. He wrote a book about the whole experience with her in Vienna, and, naturally, it was a best-seller. So he's on a book signing tour that just happens to end in Paris. She comes to his book signing at some crappy book store, and they take it to a coffee shop. Sorry, Paris. Cafe (accent mark somewhere...over the "e"?). Anyways, this movie was way worse than the first because it felt like I was stuck hanging out with two people who I really didn't want to be with. Know how it is when you're with these people who are just having the BORINGEST conversation about freakin' something lame? Well, this time it was all pseudo-intellectually about the environment. Ugh. Funny thing, though, she no longer believes in reincarnation. Ha. So this time, he only has until sunset, and then he has to go back to the US. You know, where his wife and kid are...yeah. Frenchy didn't meet him in Vienna because her grandma died, and she had to attend the funeral. He made it to Vienna and even put up all these posters with contact info on them (yeah, now he realizes the importance of contact info) just in case she was late or something. So guess what? His marriage is loveless. Aw. So sad. And her current relationship, athough good, doesn't measure up to what she thinks she might have had with him. They talk about how she lived in NYC for a while, and he did too at the same time. Blah blah blah. She wrote a song about him...he wrote a book about her. Blah blah blah. The movie ends with her saying, for the hundredth time, "You're going to miss your plane." And this time, instead of saying "No, I have time," he says, "I know." Ok, what about your kid that you've been raving about? Whatever. I didn't see how the movie could end any other way. The thing that mostly made this movie suck compared to the other one is that this time I didn't actually care what the hell happenned to these people. Maybe I was just getting tired at 5 am, though I doubt it because I couldn't sleep for, like, another hour.

In conclusion, watch these if you want to, but be prepared to feel like a third wheel through most of BOTH of them, but moreso in the second one.

I haven't been TOTALLY wasting my life this past week, though. I've been participating in research as well as getting some speech hours in. I just had to say that to make myself feel a little better. On to next week...

17 May 2006

Fennec Foxes

I was doing some research online for Brice because he's suddenly obsessed with having a pet fox. Apparently, he saw a fox today, and that started the whole thing. Of course, all websites stress how difficult owning a fox is, but I guess fennec foxes, or "Desert Foxes," are the only ones that make acceptable pets. They are REALLY cute.

Anyways, the point I am trying to get to is that some person who has a website online about her (I'm assuming it's a female, might not be) pet fennecs named one of them Rommel. You know, like the DESERT FOX. HAHAHAHAHA!!!11 Here's a picture of him:

Here's the website. HAHAHA...Rommel...

16 May 2006

Overheard in NYC

Ok, I will be putting Overheard in NYC on my links list because it's just so damn funny. Here's a sample of some particularly funny entries that made me decide to include it on my page:

Your Tax Dollars at Work
Dude #1: I hate these bathrooms 'cause everyone's showing off their dicks.
Dude #2: No, they got guys trying to look over to see.
--Port Authority

You're So Getting Dropped from the Friends List
Guy #1: All the hipsters in your neighborhood make me want to puke.
Guy #2: I wouldn't say that too loud, but yeah, I share your sentiment.
Guy #1: What are they going to do? Cough angrily at me?
--St. Marks Place

Girl #1: You shouldn't feel sorry for yourself. We are single and fabulous, explanation point.
Girl #2: ...Don't you mean "exclamation point"?
--Garden Cafe, Inwood

Guys, He was Speaking Literally
Pregnant Woman: Can I cut in front of you, it's an emergency?
Unpregnant Man: Yeah no problem, but you better name that shit after me.
--Famiglia, 8th & Broadway

Street Salesman: Come over, buy yourself a belt. If you got a big butt, buy two belts.
--Brooklyn Heights

Guy #1: Dude, that chick is hot.
Guy #2: Man, I think I got a role of duct tape somewhere with her name on it.
--23rd & West Side Highway

Old drunk Southern guy: Woo!
Young drunk Southern guy: Ha, ha, ha! Woo woo!
Old drunk Southern guy: Come on, it's one "woo"! Woo!
Young drunk Southern guy: Ha, ha, ha! Woo woo!
Old drunk Southern guy: Just one woo! Woo!
--6 train

Girl: I see someone decided to try their new onion deodorant today.
--F train

15 May 2006

Sarah's Crazy Oil Change...

At 2:30 pm I went to get my oil changed at my favourite car place, formerly Priority Auto and Tire (it's Arizona something or other now). Apparently, Jeff sold it to the other owner, so he's no longer there. Sad. I miss Jeff. Anyways, I was in a mega-hurry because I had been scheduled to go to school to do research at 3:30. I had told Dr. Lee about my oil change appointment at 2:30, but she scheduled me for that time anyways. So I guess I shouldn't have felt that bad, but I was really anxious. As always, because I'm always late. Whatever. Anyways, the hour I spent at the car place was the most entertaining hour I've spent anywhere...in a while, at least. These two guys, one skinny and bald and all dressed up and one fat and sweaty and dressed way down, were waiting for their vehicle. I think the Fat Guy owned some chauffeur business, and Skinny Guy worked for him as a driver. I was listening to Mapples, but Skinny Guy kept talking to me anyways. First he picked up a magazine with a picture of a lizard on it, and he asked me if I thought it was beautiful. Then Fat Guy said something I couldn't hear because I was LISTENING TO MAPPLES, and I said "yes" in response to the question I did hear. Then they started laughing. So...I took out an earphone, and apparently the question I had said yes to was whether or not the lizard looked like Skinny Guy. Oops. They stopped talking to me, so I put my earphone back in. Then Skinny Guy asked Front Desk Jerry for a fork...to eat his muffin. Yeah. He then proceded to eat the muffin with the fork and was commenting on how Fat Guy just had a quadruple bypass at 54 years old, so he couldn't have the muffin, which was a chocolate chip muffin. There were several other times that I had to take the earphone out because they were talking to me, but I can't remember in which order the conversations went. So here are just some of the things I learned about the two guys FROM the two guys:

1. Skinny Guy is like Felix from the ODD COUPLE, told to me by Fat Guy when the other one went outside.
2. Fat Guy is like Oscar from the ODD COUPLE, told to me by Skinny Guy when the other one went to the bathroom.
3. Skinny Guy lived in Hawaii, and there are no snakes there, but plenty of mongooses.
4. Skinny Guy was born in Connecticut, but he hasn't been there in 30 something years.
5. Skinny Guy can't get over his ex even though everyone tells him to but what do they know? They're not the ones that have to get over her. He'll get over her when he's good and ready.
6. Fat Guy sits by his pool with his "boom box" and beer in the middle of the day. Skinny Guy was very concerned that he did this during the hottest part of the day and not at 6 am, when it is cooler.
7. Fat Guy takes a lot of pills, told to me by Skinny Guy.
8. Fat Guy doesn't take that many pills, told to me by Fat Guy.
9. Fat Guy shouldn't sit in the non-air conditioned room because he just had heart surgery, said Skinny Guy.
10. Skinny Guy needs to go home and shine his shoes every time he gets a scuff. You'd think he's gay, but he's not gay. He LOVES women, said Fat Guy.

Yeah, that's just the tip of the iceberg, really. It was fun X's for me. Then Skinny Guy ran into some guy he knew, and they had a conversation about a mutual friend. Apparently Mutual Friend's girlfriend doesn't like Skinny Guy's acquaintance because you know how Mutual Friend picks girlfriends. Acquaintance said, "He doesn't date them if they don't have (slightly whispered) DD's..." At this point, I look uncomfortably to the side. They all apologize for being guys and take the time to swear to me that they are trying to be P.C. Whatever. I'm more concerned about DD women being discriminated against than I am about being exposed to guy talk in general. The only thing that I felt really bad about was the numberous comments Skinny Guy made about Fat Guy's health. Come on, Dude. We can all see that he's fat...why you gotta make him feel worse in front of strangers. I don't think that was Skinny Guy's intent, but still.

I was trying to rush through my checkout at the garage because I was already 20 min late for my research appt. I actually had to say, "I'm really, really late for something right now" while he was checking me out because Jerry kept dicking around instead of swiping my credit card. Then one of the mechanics from the garage came in and was bitching about how rude Skinny Guy (who was outside by now) was. I was like, "He's REALLY skinny. And he makes me laugh, so whatever." Then Mexican Mechanic, who I would totally do by the way, laughed. Aw. There's another mechanic there I would totally do, also. I love mechanics.

14 May 2006


Finally, my mom gave me the pictures from my graduation LAST May. Here are some good ones... The first one is me and Dr. Cone-Wesson, then me and Mom and Dave, and then me and Auntie Karin. They're too big to put on myspace, so deal. I had to. Then there's some other pictures...Samantha in the desert when she was visiting, Mary and her new bf, and Mary and I from last night. I don't know what my hair was doing...or my fat body. Whatever. Anyways, I just spent hours and hours with Emily (via phone) planning our road trip, which was fun, but I'm hungy. Hungy, Hungy Sarahs.

10 May 2006

It's My Half Birthday!

You can send me presents if you want. Anyways...

When I get back to New England, I am going to Plimoth Plantation asap. I've really learned in my 3 years of school/depression, I need to just get out and do stuff. It's just that there's nothing I really am motivated to see in Tucson. It's an aight place to live, but I can't just go to the beach or Plimoth Plantation any time I want, like I can in CT. I love anything themed as well as learning about history in fun ways. That makes Plimoth Plantation the perfect place for me. Check out their website for more info. Especially check out the cultural awareness page. HAHAHA.

I also am excited to be in New England when the Big E comes to town. I can't wait for everyone's favourite: the Avenue of States. I told Brice about it, and he asked about the Nebraska building. Silly Brice. Only the important states are included. The 5 New England states. AND NO, New York is NOT one of them.

CT Building!!!:

09 May 2006

Surprise, Surprise...

I have a random complaint. Why doesn't anybody know how to hand change back to a customer? Lately, they ALL do that thing where they precariously balance the coins on the totally unstable dollars. WTF?!? That's fine. I will take my change like that. Then I will stand in your line and count it. Next I will take my time and separate the coins from the non-coins, and I will put them away in their separate places. Take that, Cashier. What do other people do? Does anyone just take it, crumple it up, and stick it in their pocket? Because that's the only intention handing it to me like that could possible have.

08 May 2006

Futurama Quotes...


Brought To You By...

Bender Cracked Corn...

Blind Date...


Bender Loves Fry...


Bender Rocks!

Bender Cooks...


06 May 2006

The Zsa Zsa's

I went to see Gene's band, the Zsa Zsas play tonight. It was totally awesome, as expected. Comedy is an even greater form of entertainment than music, for me. They did the totally rockin'est-out version of "My Heart Will Go On" ever. There were a whole bunch of us there, and other people (not me) took pictures. Hopefully, I will get those pictures soon and post them...provided I don't look like a fatty-boom-batty in them. I won't post them in that case. Also, Anthony took a video. I don't know how I can post that, but I can send it to Emily, and that's all that really matters, right? My lungs are PISSSSSSED though. Holy crapity. They've been slowly recovering from this random cold/flu thing I caught in CT, and I just set them back, like, a week with that smoky environment. They're like, "Cough all you want, we're not expectorating." A-holes. I didn't mean that lungs. I'm sorry. Don't get cancer on me, please.

Speaking of cancer, I went and saw Paola in the hospital today while she got chemo. Apparently, she had a number of visitors today. I brought her horchata though. On a side note, I hate horchata; it's gross. Anyways, I also went for a walk today. And I got some speech path. hours in. All of those things were listed in backwards order. Oops.

Quote of the Day:

Gene: "Any time a girl and a guy take a shower together, 100% of the time you can bet the girl's gonna come out of it with really, really, really clean breasts." Ain't that the truth?

04 May 2006

Road Trip!!!!!11!1

Ok, in slightly-premature preparation for my upcoming road trip, I am going to list the things I wouldn't mind seeing/doing along the way.

1. Caverns, Carlsbad or other
2. Schlitterbahn
3. My family in Houston
4. Fried green tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe
5. Dollywood
6. Blue Swallow Motel in Tucumcari, where each room comes with its own garage
7. Painted Desert/Petrified Forest
8. Pie Town...hahahah j/k, Pie Town sux! Not enough pies.
9. Any Southern Atlantic beach (Myrtle?)
10. Roanoke Island (oooooo...what happenned there?? who knows? big mystery...)
11. Outer Banks
12. Kitty Hawk
13. Roxann in VA
14. Ocean City (or Wildwood...somewhere with a boardwalk)
15. Atlantic City
16. Statue of Libery (can you believe I've never seen that shiite?)

Yeah, I think now that I've listed it all out like this, I'd like to take the Southern Pacific Route to the Atlantic Coast Route (that would be routes 10 and 6). I think this will take very little convincing of Emily on my part due to the sheer amount of coast (beaches!!!) involved. This will be the funnest trip EVER!! Thanks, roadtripusa.com!

Watch the Tram Car, Please!

Someone in the SPH building has crabs...

Seriously, every time I go to the bathroom, there are bugs on the toilet. I switch to another toilet, but I have seen them on different ones. I am totally gonna get crabs from school. No doubt. If they're not crabs, they're ants. Whatever. Still gross.

03 May 2006


As everyone knows, "State of Love and Trust" is so great because of its quotable lyrics. Many people may not realize how usable it is in everyday life, though. Here are some examples:

Person: "Sarah, what do you want for dinner tonight?"
Sarah: "And I listen for the voice inside my head. Nothing...I do this one myself. Spaghetti."

See? I'll bet you can think of your own pretty easily now that I've given you this great example.

Ahhhh eating and typing...I am getting beet juice EVERYWHERE!!

02 May 2006

Pearla Confitura

I've gone through different phases with Pearl Jam. I always think they're great, of course, but I go through phases with my favourite songs. Though sometimes I forget they exist while I'm busy being obsessed with some other genre. Anyways, my first favourtie PJ song ever was "Even Flow." I went through phases with "Porch" and "Corduroy" and "Black"...Oh, and "Yellow Ledbetter." I went though a pretty hardcore "Immortality" phase. When my "Nothingman" phase started, I never thought that song would be dethroned. However, all hail the New Emperor, "State of Love and Trust." Yes, really. I do want to say, though, that I still love all my old favourites (but I've heard "Even Flow" kinda too much...that was a long time ago).

For those who still don't know, I got an awesome job! I start July 3. That means plenty of time for an awesome road trip, and perhaps a jaunt to the Vineyard. Woo hoo!! My life could not be better right now. This would be the part in my movie where I die tragically somehow. Good thing movies are fake!! Right?!?!?! Right??!!!